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K.See. The Good

2024   |   kansas city, missouri   |   vinyl installation   |   70 sq ft

“K.See. The Good" was designed for Art in the Loop Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to engaging artists in the ongoing revitalization of Downtown Kansas City. Also partnering with KC Free Eye Clinic, we hope to bring more recognition to this nonprofit dedicated to bringing eye care to the under-privileged.  This design celebrates diversity and the vibrant spirit of KC. At the heart of the design are oversized sunglasses, the lenses left transparent, inviting viewers to interact with the other side, encouraging a sense of connection and positivity. Each detail is intentionally crafted to highlight the beauty, individuality, and unity of our city's collective identity. We are beyond excited to announce that we have been honored with the AIGA KC Design for Good Award at A19 AIGA Gala. The AIGA KC Board selected our submission for its efforts to engage and connect the Kansas City community through the power of art. This award is especially meaningful as it recognizes not only outstanding design work, but also how creativity can support a greater cause.

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